Five Question Interviews: Deco Wilson, aka OneBlueWolf

This week, I interviewed freelance artist Deco Wilson!

Name: Deco Wilson.

Occupation: Freelance artist and designer.

Hobbies: Creating (drawing and designing) and gaming.


Deco Wilson.
Deco Wilson.

Joseph: Welcome to Five Question Interviews! I hope you enjoy your time here, as we delve deep into the burning questions on everyone’s minds.

Deco: Ello.

J: As you know, Five Question Interviews is a unique interview format in which you will only be asked five questions (excluding follow-up questions), derived from your own interests and fan suggestions. I have compiled some good questions from myself and readers, so prepare yourself!

D: Me, prepare? Because I was born READY!

J: Interview? This. Is. SPARTA!

D: Let’s do IT!

Question #1: Work ethic, or drive, is important in the creative field, and it is what separates a professional from a hobbyist. What drives you as an artist? How do you continue to create when your body is telling you to take a break for a few days, a few weeks, a few months?

DW1quote1D: Nothing I can really pinpoint drives me, it’s a deep mixture of peoples’ support and that spark of an idea that pops into my head at the most awkward moments. Then I just flow with it. It’ll take time for sure, but the payoff of seeing a finished piece is quite something. Also, I never really take breaks… Just waiting for the spark.

J: When is the weirdest or most awkward time that an idea popped into your head?

D: On the toilet… not going to lie. That, and the bus from college. But all my best ideas come to me really late at night or early in the morning… around 2 or 4 in the morning.

J: How long does it take for one of those ideas to actually come to fruition? A few hours, a few days?

D: It normally takes 4 to 6 hours from “idea” to a finished piece.

J: You work fast then!

Question #2: The subjects of your artwork vary on a weekly basis. Where do you typically go to for inspiration?

D: Video games and movies mostly. I just draw what interests me at the time.

J: What video game and movie franchises are you most influenced by?

DW1quote2D: Tricky question. BioShock and Halo come to mind. Not sure what films, though.

J: To some degree, both BioShock and Halo are sci-fi/fantasy shooters with some horror elements. Are you drawn in by those elements, or something else about the games?

D: Oh, I’m a huge sci-fi and fantasy nut, but the art style of BioShock Infinite, and the first one for that matter, are just beautiful. And Halo… Halo just gets me in the mood.

J: There’s something about the Halo universe in general that draws in the eye. So much to look at. The conceptual artists did a bang-up job.

Question #3: You’re obviously a huge Marvel fan. What is currently your favorite Marvel film? What do you love about it?

DW1quote3D: I like both Marvel and DC… but DC just a bit more. Take into account that I haven’t seen Guardians of the Galaxy yet, but I’d say Captain America: The Winter Soldier.

J: How does The Winter Soldier influence you as an artist? You’ve already drawn a piece influenced by the movie.

D: Oh, it doesn’t influence me in the slightest. It’s just a cool movie, just wanted to show it some appreciation.

J: Fair enough. What do you like about DC?

D: Cooler characters. Super hyped for the Batman vs. Superman movie. Also, I just had a thought! Star Wars… HUGE influence on me!

Deco Wilson shows his love for DC.
Deco Wilson shows his love for DC.

J: Now THERE’S a rich mythos any artist could draw from! I recently saw your drawing of Boba Fett. Are you a Mandalorian kinda guy?

D: Full-on Jedi…

J: Qui-Gon Jin or Mace Windu?

D: Dude! I can’t answer that!

J: Ok, how about this one then! What color would your lightsaber be?

D: Blue!

J: What if you were Sith?

D: Still blue… ‘cause blue, blue is where it’s at!

J: Is this indicative of your personality in the real world, or just who you would want to be in the Star Wars universe?

D: A little bit of both.

J: Onu Bloo Wolfa, Protector of the Weak! What do you think? Has a ring to it?

D: Sounds good to me, haha.

J: Here’s a good question for you. I can’t seem to find a drawing of what you would look like as a Jedi. Why isn’t this a thing??

D: I don’t really like drawing myself, not sure why if that’s the question you’re leaning towards. Could be an ego thing.

J: I can understand that. If you were a Jedi, would you make use of any cybernetic enhancements?

D: Special eyes, nothing more.

J: Blue?

D: Of course.

J: Of course.

Question #4: You have mentioned that you are an avid gamer. What is your current game of choice?

D: GTA V or Titanfall at the moment. I’m just waiting for Destiny and Halo: The Master Chief Collection.

J: Do you play a lot of GTA Online?

D: Not recently but over time! OH YES! Rank 102 at the moment.

J: Wow!! That’s some serious hours put in. Have you watched Achievement Hunter’s GTA Heist videos? Those are some of the funniest GTA videos I’ve ever seen. Well, that and GTA IV Cops ‘n’ Crooks.

D: Some of them yeah, and oh they are so funny!

J: Achievement Hunter was the sole reason I started playing GTA in the first place. I haven’t regretted a second of it.

Did you get to play Destiny Beta?

D: Only a bit. I went on a trip halfway through the beta. But still! I’m so pumped for the game, just looking for the funds for it.

J: This has got to be a dream come true for many players who equally love RPGs and shooters like Halo. Will we be seeing much Destiny-themed artwork in the future?

D: Most definitely!

J: In the past, what game have you spent the most time playing? Is there a game you have been utterly addicted to in the past? BioShock, Halo, GTA, or something else?

DW1quote4D: Only really been GTA, Halo, and Minecraft that I’ve played the most, but I’m into the stories of games like BioShock,Mass Effect, and Halo again.

J: Mass Effect! Those were some great games. I’m all about story as well.

D: Stories, art styles, and soundtracks are key factors to me when I get into games.

J: Oh, definitely the same for me. Mass Effect had a killer soundtrack. And don’t even get me started on Halo!

What would you say if you were asked to work on a game that was basically a combination of Destiny and GTA, but set in the Star Wars universe?

D: I don’t know, first I’d change my pants… then gather myself.

Question #5: In addition to your more serious drawings, you make a lot of sketches of Rooster Teeth community members. You even made a pretty awesome drawing for me that I often use as my Rooster Teeth avatar. Most, if not all of these drawings are done for free, but if someone wanted to hire you for a commission, how would someone go about doing so? What are your rates?

D: Aye, I enjoy drawing people from the wonderful community that had a huge hand in the start of my “career”. You can contact me on Twitter, Rooster Teeth, or even via my personal website. [Links provided below.] All my rates are on my site’s “Hire Me” page.

J: What if someone wanted to visit your store? What would they find there?

DW1quote5D: All my personal favorite drawings and designs are on my Society6 store as prints, and other things are available too, like mugs, shirts, and so on.

J: Sounds like you have it all there. Even mugs and shirts!

D: Even baby onesies.

J: Now THIS I have to see! What is your favorite baby onesie that you sell?

D: My Rocket and Groot design I just put up.

J: My wife would love that! I suspect I might see my 1-year-old daughter wearing that very soon.

D: Ah! Beautiful, man!

J: Thank you for taking the time to meet with me today! However, we’re not finished just yet.

D: No problem, I’m honored that you’re interested.

J: One of the unique elements of Five Question Interviews is that now that the interview is complete, you as the interviewee have a chance to ask me, the interviewer, one question. What question have you prepared for me?

D: What/who is your favorite character in the history of entertainment (games, movies, TV shows, and books)?


D: Some people just want to watch the world burn!

J: Oh man… There’s so many. In games, I feel like I have to go with Garrus from Mass Effect. He’s my boy.

D: Solid shout there! 🙂

J: In books, I am leaning towards L from Death Note. Or Martin the Warrior from Redwall. Or Thrall from the Warcraft novels. Or Zaphod Bebblebrox from Hitchhiker’s Guide. Why would you do this to me! 😦

From TV shows and movies, I have to go with Abed from Community, Jesse Pinkman from Breaking Bad, or most importantly, Tyrion Lannister. But Malcolm Reynolds and Dr. Horrible get honorable mention.

I’m sorry, I’m really bad at this.

D: Now… pick one! 🙂

J: Tom Sawyer.

D: Nailed it!

J: Again, thanks for meeting with me today. I look forward to seeing what artwork you come up with in the future. Good luck in your future endeavors!

D: Thank you, happy to do this… Same to you, sir.

If you want to know more about Deco Wilson, you can find him at:

Have a question for Deco that has not yet been asked? Do you want to see Deco return and answer more of your questions? Suggest more questions below! Did you enjoy the interview? Leave your feedback below, subscribe, and share with your friends!